

Wenzhou Hao Star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

colloid mill钛白胶体磨,研磨机,乳化机




温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司位于是集制造、贸易、科研、信息、服务等多功能于一体的高新技术股份合作企业。公司隶属温州市食品制药机械行业协会、中国质量检验协会、中国轻工机械协会、中国食品和包装机械工业协会、中国食品制药机械生产基地等成员单位,通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证、荣获实用新型、外观设计等多项中国专利发明,国家专利技术发明奖一等奖、2000-2004年度国家质量检测合格、全国质量检验稳定合格产品(2000-2005年)证书,中国食品与包装机械行业诚信会员单等荣誉称号,是专业致力于研制生产乳品设备、食品饮料机械、药化机械配套设备:湿式胶磨机、多功能colloid mill胶体磨、研磨机、钛白研磨机,磨浆机、分散均质胶体磨,全封闭胶体磨,螺杆泵、单螺杆浓浆泵、水粉混合器,THJ-L/F系列混合机、打浆机、板式换热器、各种过滤设备、不锈钢转子泵、ZB3A系列胶体泵、固液混合泵、钛******浆料泵、饮料泵、洗罐球、清洗旋转球、自动喷球及卫生级卡箍、活接头、阀门管道配件。

昊星机械设备制造有限公司专业生产:食品设备/食品机械/化工制药机械设备:胶体磨/湿式粉碎机/胶磨机/钛白研磨机/高剪切乳化机/均质机/均质泵/混合机/胶体泵/浆料泵/转子泵/螺杆泵/浓浆泵/卫生阀门管件┃ 实验室用******均质机┃高剪切乳化机(高剪切乳均机_高剪切料液混合机_高剪切均质机、高剪切分散乳化机、间歇式高剪切乳化机、管线式高剪切乳化机、釜底分散乳化机、均质机、乳化机、吸粉式分散均质乳化混合机、吸粉式混合泵、┃胶体磨colloid mill/多功能胶体磨/立式胶体磨_分体式/卧式胶体磨/整体不锈钢胶体磨/封闭式胶体磨/全封闭式胶体磨/管线式胶体磨/钛业胶体磨/制药胶体磨/化工胶体磨/乳化胶体磨/沥青胶体磨/鸡精胶体磨/陶瓷胶体磨/大型胶体磨/实验室小型胶体磨/研磨机/湿式粉碎机/超微粒磨浆机/钛******研磨机/釉料精磨机┃******均质机/超******均质机/均质泵/乳化均质泵┃卧式杀菌锅┃不锈钢饮料泵/(离心式饮料泵_奶泵_卫生泵)分体式水粉混合机/立式水粉混合泵(料液混合器_水粉混合器_水粉混合机_液料混合机_液料混料泵)┃不锈钢浓浆泵/凸轮转子泵(万用输送泵_鞋底泵_三叶泵__胶体泵colloid pumps)┃单杆螺杆泵/浓浆螺杆泵┃砂芯筛过滤器_砂棒(过滤设备)┃活性炭筛过滤器┃微孔膜筒式过滤器式┃双联过滤器式┃硅藻土过滤器┃卡箍┃活接┃弯头/三通/直通/四通┃快装接头/活接/法兰/盲板/补偿器/阀门┃自动洗罐器/固定冲洗球/旋转清洗球/洗罐球┃




我们特别在近几年以来,我国制药、食品级钛白制造业渐步进入出口涉外的行例,钛白厂淘汰酸反应法采用高效研磨分散法来制备高档次钛白,昊星机械设备有限公司董事长杨剑英先生自从04年以来开始通过科技攻关并申请获取国家知识产权局专利局ZL2006200759997多项国家专利证书,并率领本公司技术部门人员进行科技创新,采用了特殊合金材料制成的超硬质多功能研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)、钛白浆料输送泵等钛白后处理设备,其中大型超高速研磨机和特殊硬质合金钢磨体胶体磨colloidal mill取得很大科技硕果,拥有自主知识产权多项专利新产品:多功能研磨机采用特殊动密封、动静磨体构件、泵体特殊结构均采用多项专利技术,可在水冲式冷却循环情况下无物料干转,不会损坏动密封性能和机械性能,维修率低 ,摩擦功耗小、研磨、分散细度均<2微米,效果好,效率高等优点。该机主轴转速高达每分钟2000-3500转,磨盘刀片线速度每分钟高达1200-4500米。主要用于细度要求高、难研磨,分散的物料,完全可取代三辊机、进口研磨机、均质机等设备,本公司研制新产品钛******研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HSJM-W400Ac-2等系列专用机型是目前唯一代替进口研磨机或砂磨机而应用于钛渣制取钛白、研磨制备高档钛白-二氧化钛(活性钛白)的后处理设备工艺流程上,特点是上述类似产品比较在其生产效率的数倍,可大幅度的降低生产成本费用,而且颗粒均匀、清洗换色方便、无研磨杂质。可广泛应用于:化学工业,食品工业,日化工业,制药工业,钛白工业,陶瓷工业,生物工程等领域,率先采用昊星机械设备有限公司生产的钛******浆料的湿式超微粒专用研磨机器:钛白研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HS JM-W400Ac-2;钛白浆料泵HS JP-W250AC-2HS JP-W250AD-2HS JP -W320AC-2被豪普钛业、兴茂钛业、攀枝花钛海、东佳集团、金浦集团南京钛白、攀钢集团重庆钛业公司等中国钛******厂商龙头企业所使用,并得到用户的好评。

厂 址:温州经济技术开发区滨海园区十二路588号高翔控股集团17号楼
商务热线:+86-577-86999999 86830999
传 真:+86-577-56848111 86827859

我公司一向注重钛白品质的国内外钛白制造商纷纷筛选先进钛白研磨机设备,改进技术,改善生产环境,研磨设备的装置技改,给钛白品质能否过关起到一项重要决定因素,钛白前期生产工作即使做得好,如果离开了研磨等设备参与,钛白品质显然会大打折扣,这又影响了钛白“身价”以及生产商终端销售额。国内生产商其实都明白这个道理,而近几年来真正舍得花血本投入钛白后处理设备只有国内比较大几家生产商,如采用昊星机械设备制造新型专利技术产品的多功能研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨ZL2006200759997等专利号)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HS JM-W400Ac-2;钛白浆料泵HS JP-W250AC-2HS JP-W250AD-2HS JP -W320AC-2等管线式专用机,管道在线连接,可封密通过管路不间断地连续制取高档次钛白,率先使用我厂钛白研磨机的有联邦、南钛、攀钢集团、龙化、钛威、豪普等国内钛白生产龙头企业,他们先前曾引进砂磨机主要来自德国,大约有40台,研磨筒体容积分别为5001000升各占一半,主要普遍反映使用引进砂磨机因以产生后续维修和零配件消耗很大,而且很不方便。其他大多数钛白企业用基本国产初级研磨设备,甚至有企业省去这项后处理费用,当前市场行情有力证明了经过精细研磨后钛白精品比生产后简单处理就草草销售钛白产品要俏销得多。经济危机发生后,优质钛******8000-12000/吨与普通钛******800-3000/吨天壤之别市场待遇让很多钛白生产商相信了质量才硬道理,迫使他们由价格竞争手段转向质量竞争策略,于,很多钛白生产商开始注重产品质量改善,包括很多钛白行业“新秀”,如新福钛******公司也加入了质量革新浪潮。据了解,全国各大厂家钛******生产因金融危机期而陷入困境情况下,新福钛白公司“借脑创新”致力于增加产品附加值,其一个途径就提升钛白产品特殊品质与优异性能。为了使产品分散性能更良好,新福公司专门从德国引进价值2000多万元研磨设备,并不惜重金派研发技术人员飞赴杜邦等国外先进钛白企业考察学习研磨等后处理技术,可见,不仅龙头钛白企业,国内小型钛白企业也开始注重通过后期处理装备改善来提升产品档次与市场竞争力。但是,这样技改操作不疑给企业本身造成成本上提成和研磨设备后续维护带来很大开销而削减竞争力。

由此,昊星多功能研磨机ZL200600759997管线式钛白胶体磨)、钛白浆料泵等系列钛白后处理设备将得到更多钛白厂家关注,其销售前景可谓相当乐观。随着国产钛白专用研磨设备制造技术不断突破,市场上露脸机会将越来越多。根据我国自主技术开发潜能以及发展势头来看,过不了多久时间,温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司钛白研磨后处理设备有望实现品质上巨大改进,甚至能相当程度上取代进口设备。那时,昊星钛白研磨机(钛白胶体磨HS JM-W…-2系列、钛白胶体泵HS JM-P…-2系列等钛白后处理设备将走进广泛应用的美好前景。

Sevenstar Multi-functional Colloid MillAbbreviationSS-JM type COLLIOD MILLGRINDIND MACHINEHave another names called wet type ultra particle pulverize, wet pulverize, glue mill, rub machine, high shear emulsification grind machine, bitumen colloidal pump, compounding pump. The man factions of Sevenstar Multi-functional Colloid Mill has a long history, the preeminent quality, the remarkable performance, has enjoyed the great fame for a long time and firmly get the favor of the internal and external traveling traders. Especially, the technological transformation department of our factory has passed the innovation of the Hi-Tech means since in recent years, tackle the difficult and key problems, make the breakthrough achievement of transformation by a large margin to the tradition colloidal mull and have already filled the three domestic blanks now. It obtains seven national patents for invention in succession. It is authenticated by IS09001-2000, executes by the standard of Q/WSS02-2004, GB/T and got the certification of national quality testing of the year 2000-2004, first prize of national patented technological invention, and national second prize of scientific technological achievement progressive award. It obtains the titles of star enterprise, leading brand products, sincere unit and outstanding group member of quality inspection association in the walks of Chinese food and packing machine. The production of Sevenstar Multi-functional Colloid Mill has the characteristics of new and practical and novel in the appearance, environmental protection and energy-conservation, favorable price, small and the high benefit. Let your system reliable, sanitary, and quiet and even more save the electricity.

SS-JM series colloid mill can accord to users’ special requirement offer the one multi-functional but idling type operation. The machine is sealed and has not kept in touch with the medium definitely. Machinery seal can use longevity long of new generation hygiene grade and colloid rub (the patent for invention of China) and has developed another kind of closed colloid rub. Its all closed circulated backset current system makes the supplies carry on the multi-functional grind, emulsification, homogeneous, crush, disperse, and stir, processing that mix in the airtight environment. The characteristics of it such as good at closing protect from volatility, flammable and explosive and in high hygiene and can work under the vacuum condition. Especially suitable for: Essence , spices , medicine , medicine , petroleum , chemical industry , fine chemistry industry , biologic product , plant albumen , animal's albumen , beer , food , explosive , university and scientific research laboratory. Thus it is pure to reach the explosion defend and fire –proof, prevent the quality volatilizing or stimulating the working environment and guarantee that processes the active principle of the supplies. Can make process supplies effectively get many treatment of circulation and last to ideal result. The closed colloid rub allocates many kinds of functions such as  multiple function device can adjustment the disk and regulatory interval the detailed degree of emulsification machine and prevent it from swelling in a flexible way and also balance the pressure of the container and can also run if it is lack of material. So, its characteristic is totally closed of good performance, fire-proof and explosion-proof, defend the outlet, can dally, easy to operate, hygiene and environmental protection, energy-conservation and high-efficient and has long performance life, it is the more advanced colloid mill.

SS-JM series colloid mill can grind in either dry or wet way. It takes the products as the leading factor in  multi-functional fluid ultra particle crush, grind, emulsification, disperse, homogeneous, stir and mix. It can replace and superior to the stone mill, sand mill, ball mill, even milk machine, shearing and dispersing pump, quality emulsification machine, three roller machine, organizing and pounding machine in the working efficiency. The multi-functional colloid mill has formed five major series and over one hundred kinds of type specifications such as "vertical colloid series, separated colloid series, horizontal colloid series, all closed colloid series and dally and dual-purposely colloid series”. Offer the large space and leeway for users to choose the equipments and make use of the resource scientific, professional and energy-conserving. Succeed in applying to the juice of pineapple, aloe and cactus, the deep processing of pies, coating, biochemistry, pharmacy, beer and albumen of animals and plants, the new produce and studying material of starch, adhesive, polyurethane, pottery and bitumen. Especially the series product of small-scale colloid mill that we newly introduced Grinder, grinding machine

 (laboratory special-purpose experimental facilities), enormous colloid mill, closed colloid mill and dally colloid mill are initiated at home and already adopt and popularization practically in the scientific research institution in all parts of the country nearly one thousand enterprise and received the masses of well experts. The units purchasing the equipments: Tsing-Hua Scien-tech Garden University, Shandong University, Shandong Agricultural University , Hebei Agricultural University, Shanghai Medical University , Capital Medical University , Nanjing Medical University, Wuhan Chemical Industury Institute, Wuhan Technology Institute, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Suzhou Nonmetal Ore Research Institute, Xinjiang ZhongJi natural purification new and high technical Institute, Tianjin Chemical Studying and Designing institute, Heilongjiang Chemical Research institute, Nanjing original version scientific research institution, Hainan Medical institute , Guangdong Papermaking Research institute, Chongqing YuXing group, Guangzhou LiaBai group, group, Xiamen GuLong group, Xuzhou EnHua medical group, Kunming Zhongyou group, KangEnbei group, Guizhou medicine of LianSheng group, Jinxin ShuangHe Medicine, JiCheng Medicine,XinYi Medicine, Beijing ShuangJi Medicine, Shanghai ShuangJi Medicine, Henan XinYi Medicine Limited Company, SanJiu Medicine Limited Company, Shenzhen JinGangyuan Technology & Development Co. of new material, Beihai GuoXiangyuan Fruit Juice Limited Company, Jiangsu SanMu Aloe Limited Company, Fuqing XinDaze Spiral algae Limited Company, HuaDi Group, NaiMi scientific and technological peach garden pesticide, FuNong Chemical company (Malaysia), Swedish LiLeladai Group, Hong Kong MuLin Group of food industry ,  Jackmu Industrial company (Vietnam), Emiter Company (U.S.A.), Shanghai Harbor Company,HuiDa industry and trade Company (Taiwan), Jiangsu LiBao Co., Ltd. of building materials industry , Shanghai HuiRun adhesive Co., Ltd, Starch Company of the people (Guangdong), Fujian SanShan starch Co., Ltd. Shanghai HuaBao peacock essential spices Co., Ltd., Chongqing YaYuan biotech company, International drugmaker of Philippine, South Korean YuXing Corporation, South Korea QiZhuang industry, GFP Limited (Tanzania),  RuiChi Medicine(Hong Kong, South Korea), 07 research institute of YiJiu  unit, QiangLi Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Shenyang, HeJiale Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Shenyang, HongMei Ceramic Co., Ltd.  XingSheng Ceramic Co., Ltd. of Hubei and Pottery industry in Gao An, Zibo, Jing De-zhen and Minqing county, users already spread all over the world, the products sell well in both domestic and international markets.


colloid mill钛白胶体磨,研磨机,乳化机



杨先生 先生(营销中心主管)电话:86-0577-86999999手机: 13857776588

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经营模式:生产型、贸易型所在地区:浙江 温州市

在线询价 收藏该企业




杨先生 (营销中心主管)
地址: 浙江 温州市温州经济技术开发区滨海五道696号18幢101、201
电话: 86-0577-86999999
手机: 13857776588

Id:20510 Url: [IP = FORWARDED:-REMOTE:- User:], Time:2025/01/20 上 01:44:14